Monday, May 12, 2008

A poor representation...

Okay, I feel I need to further explain my infinite universe theory. I have heard the argument that since there are an infinite number of stars in the universe, then Earth has happened by random occurrence. I will now put forth my rebuttal.

The probability of rolling 10 dice and getting all sixes is 1/60466176. Needles to say it's pretty remote that someone would roll all sixes on one roll. Let's look at in an equation. We'll say that x=the number of rolls, and y=the probability that you will get all sixes. The equation is (y = x/60466176). Think about it on a graph. If x = 1, y = 1/60466176, which is pretty darn close to zero. Let's look at it in a table for example purposes.

x y
1 1/60466176
2 1/30233088
3 1/20755392
4 1/15116544
and so on...

Unless you roll it several million times, you don't have a realistic chance of getting all sixes. Let's say you were to roll it an infinite number of times. Not only would you definitely get all sixes, you would get all sixes an infinite amount of times. As x approaches infinity, y approaches it as well; the graph is exponential. This equation would work out if you were trying for 100 sixes. It's a mathematical fact. The probability you start out with does not change what this function looks like.

Let's tie this into the theory that the universe is infinite, and we are here by random occurrence. The chances of earth happening is a probability (just like our dice from before). If earth were to happen because of infinite rolls of the dice, then there has to be an infinite number of earths. Therefore, there are an infinite number of Kevin's, writing this same blog. If you were to say, "Earth may have happened again, but it may not have turned out another blogging Kevin", I would remind you that I am a probability. Being a probability, I would be subject to infinite rolls within the infinite earths, so there would be an infinite number of blogging Kevin's.

Anything you can think of happening, no matter how improbable and ridiculous, must happen not only once, but an infinite number of times. I know that it seems unlikely that someone named Fonzie actually did jump a shark while wearing a leather jacket, but I assure you this has happened on numerous occasions. That's if you believe in random events occurring, based on infinite chances.

Frankly, I don't because it's absurd...

1 comment:

Erin said...

I don't think it's absurd either. But my question is... are you wearing underwear?